Religious teaching of the Roman Catholic Apostolic Faith shall be provided in all State schools as part of compulsory education.
Beyond that title, I would not read this article myself. I usually avoid reading articles about the efforts of creationists to introduce the biblical account of the creation myth alongside evolution in the US school curricula. It induces a cocktail mood of sadness and anger which I would much rather do without. Last week I succumbed to the temptation of reading an article about the creationists which made me wonder. How come no holier-than-the-Pope self-appointed defender-of-the-truth has bothered starting a crusade to introduce creationism in the local curriculum? After all, we had letters in the local papers requesting the removal of Harry Potter books from school libraries.
Then it suddenly struck me.
Our primary school children are taught the Catholic creation myth from the age of five in public, private and church schools alike. It is an examined subject, and unless the child’s parents dare ostracize the child from his or her classmates by declaring themselves unbelievers in the one-and-only-true-faith, they have to sit for and pass the Religion (sic) exam to be able to go proceed with their studies in a Junior Lyceum. Getting straight As in English, Maltese, mathematics and social studies, but a D in religion will condemn you to the lower-grade state schools.
Then it suddenly struck me again.
Children are not being taught creationism alongside evolutionary theory in our schools. They are being taught creationism. They are not being taught the theory of evolution. They are not being taught science, except for possibly, a couple of times a year when a parapathetic science teacher visits the class to give them 45 minutes of science which goes unexamined, hence quickly forgotten.
Maybe, now that divorce is on the discussion table, someone might also have the balls to suggest that the curriculum should be revised to ensure that primary school children are exposed to views incompatible to the Catholic God having created the universe in seven days.