Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Smajt ma Smajtx 01


Fausto Majistral said...

Jacques would have posted this under a "non sequitur". I'm one of those who worry about filling the gas tank. If ceasing to worry about that were somehow to contribute to reducing the worry of someone whose problem is filling his stomach I'd gladly do that. Truth of the fact is, it doesn't. So if you don't mind I'll keep on worrying about filling the gas tank ...

Unknown said...

Definitely Fausto, you have the right to choose your worries and the issues that affect you directly will be ultimately those that worry you most. But still, I find it quite disturbing that in this day and age, world poverty is still such a big issue. And another thing, lets not illude ourselves that the soaring cost of basic food won't affect us.

Gordon Pace said...

It would be a non sequitur had there been a consequentiality implied. The way I read it, is a remark on the unfortunate situation of the two worries coexisting.

Unknown said...

GRTU's Vince Farrugia seems to be worried by the issue

Andre said...

The problem with worrying about what affects us directly (the gas tank) is that we fail to see the wider picture (the empty stomachs), and by not worrying about it, we're only delaying acting on that problem. And eventually it will come and affect us. It always does and it always did.

Russell Muscat said...

Yesterday on One Tv (Vici Versa) Vince Farrugia's article was constantly refered to. It is not a simple matter of increasing the cost of fuel because that will have a direct impact on the cost of living